Thursday, June 24, 2010

Life as I know it.

My life right now is not interesting to myself or anyone else.
It consists of swimming, waiting for television shows to come on, checking on my kittens, weighing myself, texting my boyfriend, talking to my parents, thinking about how I don't have a car, worrying about the future, reading, doing paint by numbers, trying to explain to my mom why I don't invite people over without directly coming out and saying "I have, like, two friends". And every once in a while I get lucky enough to have an outing with someone.
Something really stupid happens to me daily so I have good stories often, I just don't have many people to tell them to anymore. For instance, I cut myself on a microwave recently. I could construct a whole movie out of that. My stories go on forever. No big deal, it's just a GIFT.
One good thing has come out of the past few months though! I did try to re-friend my friends and have relationships with them and do things with them and it seems that it's not going to work. We are just on different paths of our lives right now, and that is no one's fault. That's not the good thing. The good thing is that I don't have to worry about it anymore. I did it, it's done, and it won't do. You're my only hope Raeann. No pressure.

I would absolutely love to have a car and a job. As for this whole schooling thing, I sent an e-mail to Midway Vet and got a very helpful e-mail in return from a veterinarian there. Basically, he highly recommends Morehead's program, and if I got on-the-job-training (which they do offer) it would be to become a vet assistant, not a vet tech. Those are two very different things that no one else seems to understand. Then again, when I tell my family that I am going to become a vet tech, they translate it as "She's going to become a veterinarian and make lots of money and be our savior!" Like I've said before, if I didn't disappoint them all, who would? I do it out of love. Not that I'm extremely happy to have to move to Morehead but it's settled one way or the other so that's a relief. And it helps that the place is freakin' beautiful. Not scary like Lexington. I'm not at all worried about being murdered in Morehead. It's a smaller town than Somerset even, more like Nancy or something, so I'm sure that the drug trafficking ring is a great deal smaller! Gotta hand it to the meth makers of Somerset though, they work their asses off to put us on the white trash map.

Now, after telling Josh that we have to move to Lexington, then changing that to Morehead, then changing that to "nevermind, I don't have to move at all", to moving to Morehead again, and "nevermind, we're not even going"... I now get to relocate him to Morehead once more. He's lucky to have me.

1 comment:

  1. Hah well I've got this friend thing down, so all is good.

    Glad you made up your mind it seems, I still have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm just waiting til I have to choose what I'm getting my bachelors for =/
