Friday, June 11, 2010

I haven't been on in a good while!
My laptop finally bit the dust. I took it to a computer repair shop and apparently the video chip in the motherboard is broken, and a new one costs about $91. Not too bad, but I've had so many problems with this laptop that I am swearing off HPs forever! I had to replace the hard drive within a matter of months after getting it, it overheats way too easily because they thought it'd be a good idea to not put the fan by the CPU, and now the screen is all rolly.

SO I purchased a Dell Inspiron 15. The cover design I chose is spiffy! It's called "Seaweed", and is white with teal and black swirls everywhere. It took $703 and some cents from the $705.74 I had on my debit card. Woe is me. I am yet again broke until Fall.

My life has been eventful lately with things that are not too interesting!
I've spent time with Josh, went to the movies with Raeann, walked the Relay For Life, started Zumba again, and just been out and about in general.

I got my hair chopped off yesterday. I decided I really like Brandy at Dimensions. She is the only person who, when I say I want my hair choppy and thinned out, has actually done that for me. I really regret these bangs. They are really short and my hairline makes my hair want to grow straight down so they won't even go to the side. And since they are short, it's a lot of work to make them lie flat. But I'll get used to it in time I suppose. It wasn't her fault, it was my idea. I shouldn't be allowed to have ideas, I realized that they are all really bad.

I'm going to the fair today with Josh! I just hope that the rain decides to stay away. The sun looks like it's shining so I really hope so. Peach sno-cones and my boy, sounds like a good day. :)

I'm doing okay with my no diet soda/no fast food for the month thing. I haven't had soda or diet soda at all. I've rarely drank anything other than water. I have had fast food though, but it totally wasn't even my fault. I had no idea Frisch's was fast food. THEY HAVE A SALAD BAR. I should've known better, anything with a drive-thru is likely fast food. The point is, my mom knew it was fast food and she chose to eat there anyway. Without even telling me it was fast food until afterward. And then she laughed. She obviously either doesn't see or care that I am taking this seriously. Whattabitch. That's how it has been with nearly everyone since I've started to lose weight though. "You don't need to lose weight", or they bring me something sweet or fast food or something super not good for me. It's ridiculous... and reminiscent of a couple of years ago when all of my (very large) family members were accusing me of being anorexic and, let's just say it, a coke whore. No. I'm sorry that you're still fat.

ALSO. Exciting news for me (just because I love to travel and I'm all into my heritage since I discovered how much Native American I actually am)... I apparently am taking my dad's vacation pay this August or September and going to Cherokee, NC. I'm excited! I've never been there. My mom wants to play a twelve-hour Bingo game. Hah.

I suppose that's all. I'll update more and comment more when I actually have a laptop... this desktop is junk now.

1 comment:

  1. My dad is the same way when it comes to weight loss. I'm not exactly sure why and haven't figured out how to make him stop yet, so I'm no help. But I do understand how extremely annoying it is. I'm glad you have done good with your no diet soda and no fast food diet though.

    The NC trip sounds fun, the twelve hour bingo not so much.
