Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I bought Wii Fit Plus this afternoon and I was so excited all day. I couldn't wait to get home and play it.
I was really hesitant to make my body profile, I figured it would just end up in me being fat and depressed.
But really, it made me feel tons better. My BMI is significantly lower than a month ago, and it turns out that I am four pounds lighter than my regular scale has been telling me!

My scale wants me to cry but my Wii Fit has come to my rescue.

Several months ago (5, 6?), I stepped on the scale to see my highest weight ever and it seriously put me in this deep depression. Since then, I have lost 20 pounds.I really haven't even been motivated and trying until about a month ago, though. So it really makes me confident that I can meet my goal of at least 130-120 by July or August.

Other than that... I got a new cat!
Actually, he just showed up at my house.
He is HUGE, like the size of a sort-of small dog.
He was super scared of people at first but I finally got him to come to me and learned that he is actually really tame.

Josh named him Joben.

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