Monday, March 1, 2010

In my dreams, you're always the bad guy. In my dreams, I always cry.

I was doing English homework but I decided I'd rather blog about nothing instead.

I've been pretty busy lately with schoolwork and the like.

My letter to one of the Senators and the Governor about enforcing HB 169 and also making animal cruelty a felony in Kentucky will be mailed soon. Maybe it won't help, but I don't see what it could hurt.

I have a meeting with my adviser on Thursday. I have no idea what classes I'm supposed to take. My old adviser told me, but since I switched my major and got a new adviser, I'm not sure if the required classes will be the same.

I'm getting a job in May, hopefully, at a vet in Russell Springs. I have to do so in order to get into the Veterinary Technology Program at UK and I'm going to start saving up for my OWN car. Killing two birds with one stone. After this semester and two more, I am Lexington-bound.

Tomorrow is my cousin David's birthday (well, technically it's today but I haven't slept yet so it's still yesterday to me). He is going to be three, and it seems like yesterday I was at the hospital waiting for him to be born. This isn't some sappy reminiscent thing, just...whew, time flies. Saturday's his birthday party.

Sunday, Josh and I are having Easter pictures done by one of my mom's friends. She's not a "professional" photographer but people hire her and she's ultra good. We're excited. I am, at least. Josh says he is too, but he does that a lot just to please me I think. Which is fine. There are real baby animals, woooo. Things like this really excite me more than they should for a nineteen year old gal.

Friday, we're seeing Alice in Wonderland. I'm a fan of Tim Burton, but lately his films haven't really been in my taste. I prefer things like Edward Scissorhands and Big Fish. I hope it won't be a disappointment. He's already partially lost me with The Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd. But I've been a fan of the Cheshire Cat since I was weebee, so I'm excited to see how he is shown.

Letssee. I know this is way unorganized.
And I think I'm done.


  1. I love big fish.
    And am hoping alice in wonderland is good as well.

  2. Big Fish is one of my favorites!

    I'm just a little confused as to why the Cheshire Cat is grey in this version of it.

  3. I honestly haven't paid enough attention to the previews to notice that it was grey. I figured it was pink considering i've seen a pink stuffed animal haha.

  4. I know, I would have figured that Tim Burton of all people would've been sure to make it pink and purple. But in the movie it's grey and I think I noticed blue stripes. I don't know. My eyes are probably just really bad haha. I have the book but I've never read it, it may be grey in the book.

  5. Honestly i'm not sure if it even is a certain color in the book. The bright colors from the previous alice in wonderland might have just been for the sake of it being a colorful film.
