Friday, March 19, 2010

I have one HUGE annoyance in my life right now and that is any English class of any kind.
I am so glad that after this one, which ends approximately May 8th, I am free of any English class. For the rest of my life.

My classes next semester I suppose should be okay.
Abnormal Psychology (about mental disorders/serial killers, I love things like that)
Biology (I had AP Bio my senior year in high school which is exactly the same thing and quite easy, I just didn't pass the AP exam so I didn't get credit for it. Woe.)
European History from Civilization to 17th Century.
Interpersonal Communications. (Not excited about that. I took it online so I wouldn't have to do public speaking and such, but I still have to talk to people via microphone. Argh.)

One wouldn't think I despised public speaking so much. I'm not exactly... the shy type. I could talk to everyone in the entire room individually with no problem but I cannot speak to them as a group. Don't know why.

Something that has really brought me down lately.
I was so excited to make my transfer to UK after this next semester.
I don't know what possessed me into thinking that they have a Vet Tech program, but they most certainly do not.
So it's Morehead for me.

I guess I don't mind so much. Josh is still going with me (I REALLY hope he doesn't change his mind).

 I feel like I've been in college forever. But after this semester, I still have five more to go. Sheeeee.

In other news, I recently purchased this little beauty. (Actually, it was free... thanks to Swagbucks. One of my favorite things in the world now.)

One of my hobbies is buying really bright eye-shadow that I'm probably never going to wear in public. I just sit around watching tons and tons of Youtube makeup tutorials and it makes me want things like this.

Another of my hobbies as of late is signing up for all the free samples I can find.
So far I've gotten women's sanitary devices, a bottle of Olay body wash, Tube of Burt's Bees toothpaste, perfume sample, Benefiber, Atkins Bars, Whitening Strips. That's RIGHT, I ordered free Benefiber. I have tons of stuff coming. I'm so excited to go to the mailbox every day.

I understand how lame I am. But the joke's on you for being my friend.

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