Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 1- Introduce Yourself
Day 1 #2- Describe your best friend in great detail.

Hi :) My name is Tarah Kay Gaines. You should have known that. This entire thing is a friendship test and you have failed already. Anyway, once again, the only person who reads this (I think) knows me quite well. Or I think that she does. Maybe you'll learn something you didn't know.

I was born in Somerset, Kentucky; I lived in Faubush until I was six months old and then I moved to Jabez because my grandparents begged my mom to move beside them when my grandpa got sick at one point. I've lived here ever since. Most people who drive through it don't like it very much, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I complain about it a lot, but it is my home. The nature is beautiful no matter how lame the people are. And they are LAME. Some of the most spiteful people that I have ever known live here. But it isn't hard not to associate with them.

I've always loved attention when it is given to me, but I don't like to seek it. I look to people way too often for confirmation and I can't figure out why, I don't even like most of those people. And really, if they don't like something about me, I'm not going to change it anyway.

My brain does not have a censor button. If I think it, I say it. It's not something that I always like, but it happens. I don't call it "being outspoken", because it isn't something that I can help. More often than not, I end up wishing that I "hadn't said that". I think most people believe that I do it on purpose.

I feel like the person that others see or used to see or have seen is a totally different person than who I am. Or maybe I just hope that others see me the way that I want to be. I don't know which is which.

I really like doing creative things and I always have. I'm not scared of change but I am scared of a lack of stability. I love animals more than most people I've met, I would do anything I could to help any of them. I can say that I am the friend I would like to have (minus some exceptions). I wish I still had friends actually. I hate not standing out- and in a world where everyone is always trying to stand out, I don't so much. I don't do anything with my days anymore. They just pass and pass and I lose them. I dream of doing something big and being something great. I don't take crap but I am not mean. Though everyone thinks that I am before they meet me. I can't figure out why. I always hope they'll tell me but they never do. My family always tells me that they wish I were that, or they wish I were not this. I don't think they really understand what that does to a teenage girl's psyche. I have to create dream worlds in my brain so that I don't go into a severe depression. That sounds really teen angsty- I wish it was teen angst.

My favorite color is seafoam green, my favorite food is cocktail shrimp, I love 80s music. I have a LOT of Cherokee blood running through my veins. Traveling is something that I love to do. I can't stand to be in a room with a television that is turned off. I brush my teeth naked and I can't stand to use the bathroom when I am wet. I like reality television and I love talk shows. Reading is something that I have enjoyed doing since I was four. There are a lot of things about me and it will take me forever to think of it all.

So, on to describing my best friend in great detail!

My boyfriend is my best friend. A lot of people find it cute, I find it kind of pitiful. Or I do until I actually think about it. Sometimes I think that it is only because I don't have a lot of friends anymore. But really when I think about it, I believe that even if I had a million friends, he would be my best friend.

I started dating him before we even knew each other very well, and to be honest, I never thought that it would go very far for that reason. It has almost ended a whole lot of times and our problems have pretty much become everyone's business. Sometimes I even feel like I wish I had broken up with him just to prove to everyone that I'm not the pushover that they undoubtedly think that I am now. In hindsight, I should have anyway. Every now and then I get the tiny thought that I want him to hurt like he has hurt me. But realistically I would never want that. Ideally, none of the bad things would have happened but he really has changed for me, and that is what is really flattering. Way more flattering than if he had been like this right from the get-go. Then there would be no proof that, to him, I am worth changing for.

So, onto him!
He has huge earholes and he hates refried beans. I hate when he makes me watch Terminator movies and we don't agree on what song to listen to in the car. I sing to him a lot. I've always been able to make people laugh almost effortlessly but he doesn't think I'm funny. Haha. Every laugh I get out of him is well-earned. His favorite color is green, like mine. He's a huge sap. He's extremely talented. He loves his mom. He loves animals and doesn't mind my crazy cat lady stories. He thinks I'm beautiful. He hates seafood which I will never understand. He is corrupting me and I feel that is totally backwards- I should be corrupting him! Like I said before, we didn't know each other very well before we started dating and he is totally different than I would have thought! He is not sweet and innocent, he is insane and he is a pervert, and I love him very much. He has changed my mind about wanting to be married and wanting children. I feel home sick when I am not with him. He is going to Morehead with me- just dropping everything and going with me. He supports everything that I do, and likewise. He watches Tyra with me and I know he doesn't like it. I used to write stupid retarded notes in eighth grade and I figured he would think I was insane but it made him have a crush on me. I wish he would stop wearing hats so much, he has really great hair. Either his grandpa or great-grandpa moved to America from Germany during the Holocaust. I could write about him forever.


  1. I knew all of those about you, because I'm awesome! Also, my family is like that too, maybe not to the extent of yours though because it's really only my Grandma. It is annoying :l

    The only part I knew about Josh was that he loved his mom and he wears hats a lot,ha. And I don't think your a pushover at all so I really doubt everyone thinks that. You stayed with him and he changed for you so it's not like you being gullible or anything.

    You keep up with all of these because they're interesting to read :)

  2. I feel the same way, I love reading these things, haha.
