Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My great-uncle Dick passed away tonight.
He was in awful shape, he had stage four lung cancer and most likely liver cancer.
When I visited him, he was alert, he just felt bad.
The past couple of days, he hasn't known who anyone is or what was going on.
That could have been due to the morphine, but either way I am just glad I got to visit him at a time that he knew who I was and realized that I care about him.
I haven't lost someone that I was this close to since his wife Max passed away, who actually died of the same thing.
It hasn't fully hit me yet, I think. Because I haven't been around other family members to see how they are reacting.
I just really honestly hope that he was so jacked up on morphine that he didn't realize he was going. That may sound awful, but my grandma witnessed her sister (aunt Max) pass when she did and she was very resistant. She basically screamed that she didn't want to die the entire time that the process was happening.
As much as I may doubt it, I really hope that heaven is real for everyone who wants it to be. I know that all Dick wanted was to be with Max.

P.S.- I won $500 at Bingo tonight but I didn't really care.
P.P.S.- Don't ever watch The Human Centipede, no matter how much you are inclined. It's less like watching a movie and more like being dared to eat maggots. I have the strongest stomach of anyone I know and I haven't eaten today and I am starving. I also feel really awkward when I have to poop now.
That was probably really inappropriate for this post.

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