Monday, July 12, 2010

“It’s like 8 kinds of suck in a 9 suck bag”

I went to the hospital with my grandparents on Friday to see my uncle. He isn’t looking well and it was tough to see him that way. My grandma said he actually looked better, and the doctor came in while we were there and said he is wheezing less when he breathes. That’s good news but they still have biopsies to do- on his liver and lungs.  His airways are really constricted though, so they may have to go through his bronchial tubes. You can tell his airways are constricted in the way that he talks and breathes. Apparently no one even knows if he has cancer! This is madness.

I really, really hate cancer. No one likes it, but I mean, I REALLY hate cancer. I can’t count the number of family members that it’s taken. That’s why I get so ticked off with my mom for smoking. Not because it’s expensive and something we can’t afford, not because every time I think I smell really good someone tells me I smell like cigarettes, but because she has seen what it does to people and it’s like she doesn’t care if it happens to her. I expect her to go to the doctor any day for something totally irrelevant, like an aching knee or the flu, and learn that she has six months to live. I don’t just worry about it, I literally EXPECT it every day. Even though it sounds horrible, I think my first reaction would be anger. She KNOWS what it does and she doesn’t care.

An older lady actually came up to my mom the other day and asked her for a cigarette. My mom gave her one, the lady PUT ON AN OXYGEN MASK, and proceeded to smoke. I couldn’t even believe it. I guess I just don’t understand why people do this to themselves. They don’t deserve it by any means, but why don’t they know better?

I don’t even want to be a nag but that’s what I do. I nag Josh all the time about his smoking. He’s not been into the habit long enough for it to have taken an extremely serious toll on his body. I think about him dying from lung cancer forty years before I die and I just sit and cry about it.

But, I don’t mean to hang a giant black cloud over everyone’s day.

So, here’s some good news. My kitten’s eye is better. I mean, not BETTER, she’s blind in it- it’s completely glazed over now and gone a weird grey-blue. But the swelling has went down a notable amount. She only has to take her medicine until Wednesday and she should be fine!

Also, I’m taking a vacation and it’s about damn time. It’s with my parents though so I’m not sure how well that will turn out. We’re not doing anything specific- just going to Pigeon Forge, staying in a condo, doing some shopping, checking out Cherokee, North Carolina. I’m excited about NC only because I’ve never been there before. Also, I’m really interested in Native Americans ever since I learned I am one… haha.

Anyhow. I’m going to attempt to do all of my Christmas shopping on Amazon, and doing most of it with Swagbucks so that I don’t have to use real money. I have four potential things I want to get Josh, and one thing I want to get my mom. I have no idea what I’m getting my dad, and other than that, I’m pretty much making everyone a gift. Hopefully I’ll have a job by Christmas so that I can buy my dad something that I’ve been wanting to get him for a while.

That ‘tis all for now!

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