Thursday, July 22, 2010

I went to the fair tonight with Josh, Raeann, and Cody. Raeann, thank you so much for a) going with me and giving me a riding buddy :) and b) making me the cutest bracelet I've ever seen in my entire life.

It was fun times and I met a dog. I don't think he belonged to anyone but he was so sweet. I really regret not going back and buying him something to eat at one of the stands. I really hope someone can take care of him, or that he belongs to someone and just happened to wander away from home because he liked the excitement.

In other news... I haven't posted in a while and I suppose I should get up-to-date on what's been going on.
My uncle Dick's funeral and burial was last Sunday. I did not do well with it at all. I never do at funerals, but especially this one. Death is something that hasn't always bothered me. I know that we are supposed to accept it as inevitable but it seems like I am moving backwards. I used to accept it as inevitable but now it is something I am terrified of.

Only about twenty people showed up, but he wasn't originally from here so he didn't really know anyone. We were his friends. He was actually technically our in-law, but we didn't consider him that. Everyone was really upset, but he was a great person. His son didn't even show up and I am really angry with him right now because of that. I shouldn't judge him because I am sure that he was having a hard time dealing with it. But if uncle Dick knew that he didn't show up, he would be heartbroken.

In other, other news... I apologized to someone that I really needed to apologize to. It's hard for me to apologize but when I am in the wrong, I WILL do it. I just wish I had done it sooner because she definitely deserved one.

In other news x3... hah... I have been doing something for the past couple of days that may seem really out-of-character for me. I have been reading the Bible. Not only that, but I have been taking notes! Not even joking. Literally taking notes on every chapter. I'm not all religious, or really even spiritual, now. But I am Agnostic, and I actually have been since I was little. I was raised Southern Baptist and I've ALWAYS had my doubts. A lot of things just didn't add up and I never really believed. I have no idea what I believe, actually. So I've decided to read the Bible and figure out what it is that I DO believe. I believe that there is *probably* a God and that is about the extent of it. I'm actually not sure how I feel about that either. I guess it's like a "spiritual journey"... except that sounds really stupid so that's not what I am going to say that it is. I DO know for certain that I am not going to church and I am not going to ask others to "help me" in my beliefs. I feel like it is something that I should figure out on my own.


  1. Your welcome, it was a lot more fun since I could actually ride with someone. And I'm glad you like your bracelet.

    I'm sorry about your Uncle Dick and I'm sorry I didn't reply to your earlier post about it. I used to not be afraid of death, but now that I'm so happy I'm afraid of it. I really want to be able to grow old with Cody. So I understand not being ok with it.

    Also, hope you figure out what you believe :)

  2. It was, it definitely kicked the Russell County fair's ass, because I didn't have to walk around the whole time, haha.

    Thank you, and it's alright.

    The Bible's already making me mad. It seems I can't just read it and comprehend it like I would any other book. I have to go "Noooo..." in my head. So I have just stopped for now, haha.
