Thursday, July 8, 2010

I have good cat lady news!
My kitten's eye is not out of its socket, apparently it is just infected and Amoxicillin is the solution.
The vet said it probably stuck something in it.
I noticed that it can still close its eye and I don't think it would be able to do that if it were coming out of socket... because I have seen those people on Ripley's Believe it or Not.
It's not going to appreciate getting medicine shoved down its throat twice a day.


I am going tomorrow to see my uncle Dick in the hospital tomorrow, which is going to be pretty tough.
Apparently he is not doing too well, and I want to see him before he passes away.
He's pretty much given up at living now because his wife (my grandma's sister) died of the same thing about 8 years ago, and he saw how it affected her. So I guess he just thinks there is no hope.
I REALLY hate cancer. I'm not sure where it gets the idea that it can just take the people I love without asking me first.
There has been a really weird mixture of great and awful things happening lately.

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