Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day fifteen

Your dreams in great detail.
I already did this one :( ah, two conflicting 30 days thingies, you are supposed to have totally different questions!

The person you miss the most.
I've started talking to Robert pretty regularly again, and it made me realize that I really, really miss him. He was my best friend for, like, three years. He knew everything about me and I talked to him about everything. We had so much fun together and he made me laugh until I almost squirted a little.


  1. They are conflicting it seems. And the what I wore today ones aren't interesting for anyone :(

    Glad your talking to him more again :)
    I only talked to him a few times and before he left he hugged me then tried to make out with me,ha =/

  2. I know, I wear the same thing every day pretty much...hah.

    HAHAH. Wow. Remember at your birthday party, he crawled around in the floor trying to put lip gloss on everybody?
