Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day seventeen

Favorite memories.

This is going to be really hard for me. I'll just do what Raeann did and do some separate ones for Josh and for friends.

I'm just really fond of thinking about our first date. I can remember every single detail. I was so surprised that he kissed me because everyone told me I'd be lucky if he held my hand. I was hugging him, he kissed the top of my head... I went to kiss his cheek but he moved his head really fast and kissed me on the lips. I got so shy, I had to bury my face into his chest so that he couldn't see how much I was blushing.
The first time I went to his house was awesome. We cuddled the whole time and watched Jackass and a bunch of band DVDs, which is really closely related to what we still do now.
Of course, other things that you don't want to know about.
I just enjoy doing everything with him. I remember when I first started going places with JUST him in his car... I immediately just wanted to go everywhere with him. I feel so... I don't know, cozy?, when it's just us eating out, in his car, walking through Wal-Mart, walking through the mall, doing anything together.

With friends... oh my goodness. When it was just common knowledge that we'd all be at the movies Friday night, when we'd walk to the gas station in front of the cinema to get energy drinks or because there was nothing better to do. When we'd go to every single show at Brandywine and walk to Dairy Queen, Food Fair... all of the shows elsewhere, where I got to know so many people. Even a lot of memories at school, just seeing people every day, knowing people were happy to see me. The times Raeann and I would go to the movies, or when she would spend the night with me. Actually meeting new friends. Feeling infinite. When Sarah, Nate, Justin, and I were at that Halloween party and we accidentally drank Moonshine. When I went to Justin's house with Brandon and Nate and we all walked to my house at night because I think I broke Justin's mom's car. That show at the fairgrounds that lasted for like 12 hours and I was sweaty, dirty, and hungry and I didn't care. Having more than one guy like me. That was kind of fun. Hah. When Sarah and I skipped school to go to concerts- Gigantour with In Flames, Children of Bodom and Megadeth, and then Foreigner, Styx, and Def Leppard. Just everything.

Someone from my childhood.
When I think of my childhood, most of the memories I have are with one person. I should probably miss her. I don't, really... which I suppose is a little sad or a little mean, I don't know. Anyway, Stephanie Harris was my best friend. She was at my house basically every day. Either that or I was at hers. She used to annoy the crap out of me, and we would fight if we were together longer than thirty minutes but it kind of made up for not having a sibling. We probably became best friends when I was 4 or so, and we lost touch altogether when I was 14 I guess. We didn't have a fight or anything, we just drifted apart like I have with everyone else. We've always been totally different people, I have no idea how we even got along as well as we did.

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