Monday, August 2, 2010

Day Seven

First, here is what I did today.
Nothing much. Except I got annoyed a lot and then I picked some blackberries.

Today, I am supposed to describe my ex-boyfriend which is going to be awkward and then I am going to describe my best friend. I have described him at least three times within these two 30-day challenges, but Raeann's post on Cody inspired me to do one just with things that other people may not know.

I'll describe my best friend first. His name is Joshua Thomas Kurtz, he was born on April 11, 1991 and I believe he was born in Richmond. He is quite a bit German but I don't think he could speak German to save his life. His favorite food is Mexican food. I never would've taken him for an anime fan- on our second date, there was a guy reading a book in the theater and I said "WHO brings a book to the movies?!" and he goes "I bet it's manga". Anyway, he has a whole case of Dragon Ball Z VHS tapes, plays Dragon Ball Z on his X Box and has many Dragon Ball Z DVDs. Also, I was using his computer once and the only tab that was up proved that he was watching Naruto. His dad lives in Virginia. He (Josh, not his dad) has lived in three different houses since we've been dating and each time he moves farther away from me. I asked him once if I were a man would he still love me. He said no. He has a Bible app on his iPhone. I wrote an essay for him once and he only freaking got a B. He has a retarded cat named Riot, she thinks that she can fly. I've seen it. When I go to his house, I always have to wash his bedroom mirror. He spends most of his time working but he likes to make rap beats on his computer. He wants to be a record producer. He never watches television and for some reason, that bugs me to death because I'll talk to him about TV and he never has any idea what I'm talking about. I've never met his grandparents and I've only met his dad once. He has the worst road rage of anyone I have ever seen. He is very accident prone. In 7th grade, he got hit by a car and broke his hip. At Battle of the Bands one year, he slipped on stage and broke his butt... pfft, "I fractured my tailbone"- No Joshua, you broke your butt. That's why he stopped wearing shoes when he played shows. He has no brothers or sisters, and he makes really good microwave quesadillas.

K, my ex boyfriend I guess. First of all, let me just say that as stupid as I acted a few years ago, I don't really even consider him a real ex boyfriend because we dated for two weeks. But, he is the only one I have. I don't like thinking about dating him because it is really weird to me for some reason that we dated or that I even liked him. I'm not going to describe any of that, I'm just going to describe him as a person. His name is Jesse Haze James, and he is eight days older than me. He makes fun of me for being short and he is about two inches taller than me so I suppose he thinks he is entitled to do that. One of these days, I am going to break into his dad's garage and steal THE guitar that was made for me. It is a seafoam green Eddie Van Halen custom. Don't tell me that it isn't automatically mine. His mother passed away a long time ago, and he has one half brother named Preston. He has a dog named Peanut. He recently moved back home with his Dad so he lives close to me again. I would never say that he has awful taste in music but someone exactly like me might say that. He also has weird taste in TV. He is good at the bass. I suppose he still plays the synthesizer but I've never heard him do that. I suppose his favorite food is still noodles of some sort. He loves video games. He makes fun of me for the ditzy things I say. I've been friends with him for around seven-eight years.


  1. The only thing I knew about Josh was the tailbone thing, but I think that's because you told me. See you can like anime and not live in your moms basement =p

    I'll probably talk about Cody a billion times, so you can post about Josh all you want.

  2. He DID live in his mom's basement though. The only reason he doesn't live in his mom's basement is because they couldn't afford it. :| Hahah.
