Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First things first.
I watched Saw VI for the second time last night.
It wasn't quite as eventful. When Josh and I saw it in theaters, a girl had a seizure.
Not that I'm happy about her misfortune, but that's over-doing it a little, don't you think?
I was excited about the movie, too, but I wasn't going to seize about it.
I could have outdone her if I really wanted to. Believe that.

Last night when I watched it for the second time, I noticed that EDDIE WINSLOW is in it.
I will forever and always call him Eddie Winslow. Who the hell is Darius McCrary!?
Anyway. They killed off Eddie Winslow. And actually, my dad noticed it.
Except he called him "Theo". But no matter, I knew he was talkin' about good ole Eddie W.
I about crapped when they killed him. I knew the guy got killed in the movie, but when it's Eddie Winslow, we are playing in a whole different game. I did the Laura Winslow "Oh no you didn't" triple snap. Boy's lucky Harriett wasn't there.

Every time I watch those movies, I find myself thinking of what I could possibly be in "the game" for. That's how I form my values. If it'd get you a part in Saw, don't do it.
I thought about going into the medical field solely to be a douche lord to cancer patients, but then I said to myself, "Don't, Tarah. You know what happens to 'those kind'".
Even if I was, though... that old man wouldn't even have time to regret it.
Sure, I'd chop off my arm. I probably wouldn't even complain about it.
But then I'm coming after your cancer-ridden tail, buddy.
You're about to wish you'd made me chop off the other one.

Yeah, I don't have one.
But, welcome to conversations with me!

I've noticed a lot of lists on blogs.
And I've noticed a lot of things I'm obsessed with.
And so I birthed this little concoction.

My "Ten things I'm obsessed with" list.

1. Peel-and-eat-shrimp.

I die for any type of shrimp, really. These are the only things in the world that are more attractive when they're dead than when they are alive. I refuse to get any for my fish tank. I know I'd catch myself eyeballing them.

2. Everything Kardashian.
Love them. I can't even help it. I watched the show one day because there was nothing else on, and it just happened. You know me. Good ole Tarah, just gettin' obsessed with ten things, at least. I feel like I should have been born into their family. Only I'm really glad I wasn't, because then I'd have a slight crush on my brother.

3. Reality television.

My addiction with these happen accidentally. I always *accidentally* leave the television on channels, and then *accidentally* glance up, and then I *accidentally* look up that show's schedule on TVGuide.com.

4. Getting a miniature horse.

You really can't stop me forever, Mom. I won't ever trim my mini horse's mane, though.
When they have really long manes and tails, they look like My Little Ponys. Which brings me to my next obsession.

5. My Little Pony.

This one, like the others, was not my fault. When I was just a weebee Freshman in high school, I made the mistake of saying "I love Princess Sparkles like WHAAAAT?!?!?!?!" to a friend of mine. So that's what that's about. I don't even know how many of those things I have.

6. Orange tic-tacs.

This does not and will not ever have anything to do with Juno. I've always loved these things. It's encoded in my DNA to be obsessed with them. The "I love orange tic-tacs" gene is directly superior to and a little to the left of the "New episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Sundays at 10" gene.

7. Talk shows.

Tyra, Ellen, Steve Wilkos, Dr. Phil, Oprah, I watch 'em all.
When everyone else was a kid, watching cartoons, I was watching Ricki Lake, Maury, Sally Jesse, or those Jenny Jones episodes about transvestites and polygamy.

8. Taking in stray cats.

When you can be forced to watch CATS the musical three billion and two times in elementary school by your wackjob choir teacher and still want to basically collect the things, you know you've got it bad. It's limping around, convulsing, and it has the mange? I'll take it. It's a done deal. I can't turn one down! I have at least sixteen by now. If something happened to my Maine Coon cat Lily, I would have a stroke.

9. Neat pants.

I don't care about shirts half the time, it's the pants that count. I didn't earn the name "Cool Pants Tarah" by wearing good shirts.

10. Driving by Wal-Mart on warm days, because there's bound to be some puppies for sale that I can look at.

Note: I will also have a golden retriever eventually, among other things. (MOM).


  1. Did you see how much of a douche Scott was?
    Like what the fuck!? Make a complete dick out the entire family on Kim's birthday. I would of killed him if I were them.

  2. Scott is the biggest douche in the world. I'm so glad Khloe hit him. I was starting to like him a little but he just ruined that.

  3. i love the kardashian's too. probably a whole lot more than i should too. i definitely think i'm ready to be a part of their family, especially since i already have "k" name. Oh, i hate scott too. And i especially hate the way he dresses.

  4. My middle name starts with a K, if that counts. If I drop the "Tarah", will you run off to Calabassus with me? We can be Kara and Kay Kardashian! Ugh, Scott. He pulled a Mike Tyson almost bit Rob's ear off. I wanted to punch him.
