Friday, February 19, 2010


Kroger North is horrible. I think that all of the unfriendly creeps of the world (or at least Somerset, Kentucky) gathered around and plotted to go buy some soups on the same exact day. Which was today.
Everyone just cannot stand for you to be in the same aisle as them. It's ridiculous.
It does take them forever in the grocery store...they're such Suzie Slowasses.
My grandfather is blind, my grandmother can barely walk, and they WILL get their popcorn-in-a-bag, and you WILL wait your turn. If they didn't have me around to bark "My BMI's still low enough for you to be able to go around me!" every single time I hear a "Siiiigh", I don't know what they would do.

Also, I protect my grandmother from potential rapists.
Or, I... potentially would. If I weren't so worried about protecting myself.
This guy... oh, heavens to Betsy.
I can't figure out why he doesn't just go to or
Kroger North IS his And he is a sleazy bottom-feeder.
He was checking out every behind of every woman that walked past.
I stalled as long as I could, but when my grandma was ready to go, I tried to act cool, calm, and collective.
As soon as I saw his head turn, I basically pushed my nearly-crippled grandmother out of the way to stop him from checking me out too hard. She thought it was hilarious. I'm lucky my family has a great sense of humor.

We are a team.

I also bought...wait.
End PSA.
Okay, I also bought a cute shirt at Rose's.
But Rose's smells super weird so I had to wash it like three times.
It's frustrating that it doesn't fit right. I don't know what it is. I think it's too flouncy.
I bought some teal mascara also. So far it's not showing up very well, but I'll see what I can do.
But you don't care, so moving on... earphones wear out so easily!?
I bought these SkullCandy earbuds for like $9.99 from Sam Goody a few months ago and I am in love with them. One hundred percent.

It is likely that I will never find any like that at that price again...and that makes me sad.
My earphones always bite the dust really quickly.
They somehow commit speaker suicide while lying on my nightstand doing nothing until I use them.
I bought these today.


They're okay. I'm going to try to work my electrical tape wonders before I give up on my SkullCandys, though.

I've lost almost five pounds since I have been on this diet I started a couple of weeks ago.
That is not nearly as fast as I lost it last time... I was losing like a pound a day.

I'm sticking with it though, and it's better than nothing. I hope it speeds up, however... at this rate, it's going to take forever to lose the sixty-seventy pounds that I desperately need to.

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