Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lily Lily!

This is my Maine Coon cat Lily. She is a cat monstrosity.
By the time she stops growing (in 4-5 years), she should be around 40 inches long.
She showed up at my parents' workplace and they would feed her every day.
But she had no shelter, and everyone was worried about her, so they brought her home.
And ever since, out of my favorite things in the world, she is top three easily!
She was definitely meant to be mine!
I've had her for about 5 months now, but I didn't have a picture of her.
You can't see how big she is in this picture because there's nothing to compare her to, but she's already as big as all of my full-grown tomcats, and still growing. She isn't even a year old yet. She won't be for a few more months.