Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I am so distraught.

If you have been reading my blog, you know that I am going to Morehead State in about a year, and you know that Josh has promised to go with me. This is obviously a HUGE deal. I accidentally told my grandma today and I kinda... intended to not do that. She's really... spiritually aware. And very against the whole "living in sin" thing.

So a week ago she is telling me that I need to not ever get married, that men will just mess up my life entirely and I'll regret everything (while my grandpa is in the background saying, "I'm RIGHT HERE"). Today she literally tells me for an hour that I have to get married at age twenty so that I don't upset anyone. It just bugs me to no end that she is so dead set against this that she would rather I get married and regret it, not go at all, or be alone in a town I have never even driven through.

She literally said to me, "WHAT IF THE LORD COMES". To which I replied: "Then I suppose I will be living with two guys. And I'm not about to marry God, he seems a little anal".

Now then. It may seem normal for a very... again... "spiritually aware" 72 year old woman to act this way. My cousin lived with her boyfriend when she was, what? 16, 17 years old. No one said anything. They got married when she was 18 or 19 and she is obviously extremely unhappy. My other cousin lives with every boyfriend she gets. Again, no one says anything. But when it comes to me, I just may as well be selling myself to every tourist that comes through the town looking to catch a bluegill. And I will obviously be pregnant within a week.

I haven't "broken the news" to my parents or my grandparents on my other side. But I'm guessing they will react similarly. And once again... my cousin lived with his girlfriend for quite some time, no one said anything. My other cousin found out she was 5 weeks pregnant on the 4 week anniversary of her marriage. I assume you can guess what happened next! Yes, that is right, no one said anything.

I'm sure no one wants to disappoint their grandparents. But today just made me so mad. It did make me realize something though. My grandma asked, "What would your dad say?", and honestly my dad is the LAST person I want to disappoint, but my answer was, "I don't care". And I was being very genuine. I don't care. Because it isn't about them. And I don't think it's fair for everyone to just bank on me to be the person to not disappoint them. Not ONCE in my life have I ever done something or refrained from doing something solely to not disappoint someone or hurt their feelings. I'm not starting today, I'm not starting next year. If I disappoint anyone, they will just have to be disappointed.

I'm doing what is best for me, not what is best for a po-dunk Southern Baptist church. Sorry, grandmas. If I didn't disappoint you, no one would. I'm doing it out of love, it's called being considerate.


  1. Grandparents are just old. They have to be cranky or they wouldn't be grandparents.

    Anyway, at least your grandma likes Josh (I'm guessing), mine called Cody "the frog I'm kissing before I find my prince" and keeps talking about how horrible his hair is. But yeah, it's your life, do what you want. They'll get over it! =]

  2. My grandma isn't cranky though. She wasn't mean about it, I know she is generally concerned. It just bugged me a lot. It seems like everyone else gets cut some slack except for me. I really don't think that's fair. It's like I'm their last shot at a decent grandchild or something.

    But that is horrible. I apologize for what I am thinking about your grandma right now, Raeann!

  3. Ok,ha sorry I was just guessing she might be, because both of mine are a pretty decent level of cranky. Awh well then I don't know what to say. Sorry. Maybe you are the only decent grandchild left Tarah! =/

    Hah she is horrible seriously. I told her that I was planning on moving in with Cody in the future and she kept telling me that we would never be able to do it. So a lot of me wants to move in with him to just be with him and a little part was to move in him with to prove her wrong.

  4. I said "generally concerned". I meant genuinely...haha. Nope, all of my grandparents are fantastic, it just bugs me when they do things like that. It's so random, too. Like when I started playing guitar in 8th grade, one of them was like, "That is the devil's music. Play the fiddle like your grandpa. Or the piano like your cousin!" I was pissed. lol.

    Hahaha you prove her wrong!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hah obviously you can only play the devils music with a guitar. Nothing else at all. But actually that's kind of cute of them,ha I just pictured you a fiddlin away.

    I will. Also, I got my own blog so it would be easier to keep with yours and a few others since Google connect never told me when there was a new post. You should follow it so it doesn't look like Codys my only friend. =/

  7. Ugh I am not about to fiddle...haha.
    That is a sweet deal, I would have followed it anyway :)
