Friday, April 23, 2010

You can't save everything and everyone, and that is a shame.
I sit around and think of the way everything should be.
How I wish that people didn't have to die from preventable diseases, how they didn't have to be faced with preventable homelessness and other tragedies, how I wish that children didn't have to deal with abuse day-to-day, how I wish that everyone could finally be "equal" because even though it is against the law to discriminate, you would have to be blind to not know it still goes on... how the lives of animals would finally be viewed as meaningful.
I think about it so much that it upsets me because I can't really do anything. I'm not famous, I'm not rich, I can't start a charity, I can't donate to the ones that already exist as much as I would like. And people are way too stubborn to see your viewpoint. Feeling helpless is about the worst feeling.

ANYWAY. I absolutely cannot wait until the semester is over. I really have a lot of work that I need to get out of the way, though. I procrastinate way too much.

Dad told me that I should just take out a student loan to buy a car. That way I could buy a really nice one, like a new one, and I could use the money I make from my job to pay for insurance payments. BUT, I wouldn't be able to take out a student loan until the new semester and likely wouldn't get the money until September. I suppose I could pay for it out of pocket until then. I don't know what to do I guess. I just really need a car one way or the other.


  1. There really isn't much you could do about it right now. The most would be volunteering which is always good. But don't let it make you sad, one person can only do so much. At least your thinking about it, most don't even care about others. I always put my change in those bottles for kids,ha. It's not much but over a lifetime hopefully it'll add up =p

    Also, if you got a student loan wouldn't you just have to pay it all back? Since you get so much from your scholarships I would just put most of it in the bank and save up until you have enough for a decent car. So in the end you won't owe anything. I was planning to do that, but spent what I had saved on the concert.

  2. I know. But I reeeally can't stand feeling helpless. I'm one of those people that thinks they should be able to snap their fingers and everyone would just stop and do what I say. Hah, horrible I know.

    Yes, I would have to pay it back eventually. But I wouldn't mind doing that. I would pay it back over time. Plus, thanks to Obama, if I am still paying on it 10 years from now, I can stop and be declared debt-free. I just really need a car right *now*. I'll worry about the rest later...haha. And I could save up from scholarships but I definitely need one sooner. I've had to spend it on random things here and there, I've had to loan some of it to my parents, etc. It doesn't really add up quickly enough to suit me.
