Friday, April 9, 2010

Sorry for the new ads below the posts, guys. I'm hoping that SOMEONE will read my blog and hope to follow one of those links in hopes of making me some cash.

Today was very needed.
I went to the movies with Zach and Emily and said hello to some other pretty neat people.
We saw Date Night with Steve Carrell and Tina Fey, and I totally recommend it. We all laughed so hard that I had to look in the mirror when I got home to make sure I hadn't developed abs. No such luck.
I also realized that I barely have friends my own age! They are either quite a bit younger or quite a bit older (though not like fifty... except my dad and grandma are two of my favorite friends!) That's not even pathetic, that is adorable and you will think so as well.

Tomorrow there is a Zumbathon going on at SCC and I would totally go for $10. I think it goes to charity anyway. But I have stupid class tomorrow, through the whole. entire. thing. Luckily, my aunt and cousin liked Zumba enough to want to go every week now!

Sunday is Josh's birthday. He will finally be 19! I've only been 19 for a few months now but I feel so much older than him. Don't know why. I'm taking him to Red Lobster! Actually, I really just wanted to go to Red Lobster, so I invited him along. He doesn't know that. He follows my blogs but I can guarantee he doesn't read them. I'm paying, though. Wouldn't it be horrible if I didn't? We are going to the mall and I hope to pick up some new duds. ALSO. MOCHA FRAPPUCCINOS FOR EVERYONE. Or at least me.

I'm really excited for things to come this year! I get to get a job (HAVE to get a job, really. To get into Morehead's vet tech program, you must have one year's experience in petcare- and owning a metric butt ton of cats does not count, I'm afraid). But it'll be around animals and I am totally fine with that. That will also buy me a car. Killing two birds with one stone! It must be an SUV... some sort of Napoleon complex thing I've got going on I think. It must run and it must not be dark green. Lime green or teal or sea green even would be totally fine.

I can't WAIT until the fair. Zach, Emily, and I have already made plans to go together and that will be super fun. They are some of my favorite folks. I can't wait until I lose all of my weight, I am making good progress I think. Joshua also gets paid vacation starting this summer. Maybe he will decide to go see his Dad. Maybe he will decide to bring me along. There would be a trip to the beach in it for me. And I've never been so that would be super exciting.

I am also really excited (though nervous) to move to Morehead with Josh even though that isn't for another year or so. I'm so glad that he has decided to go with me, I don't know what I would do without him! He sacrifices a lot for me and it makes me feel so special. My family will probably look down on us living together. But I can't help it, I am NOT going alone. My mom has a huge fear of me being alone like that so that is probably why she is the only member of my family who supports it (or at least chooses that option as opposed to me being fair game for rape and robbery). It is a small town, smaller than Somerset even, and that is a relief. I was terrified when I thought I'd have to go to Lexington. Not that it's a huge city but way bigger than I am used to. The people seem to be nice so that will be a welcome change...

And I really want a baby orangutan now.
It's a good thing I'm not allowed to have all of the animals I want.
I would staaaaank.

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