Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today... I don't really know what to think about today.
I can't decide if today was a relief or if I just feel useless now!
I learned that apparently you don't even have to go to school to be a veterinary technician, that is sort of a disappointment just because I was looking forward to going to Morehead. But Josh and I are getting a place together regardless once I get a car... which will probably be around the same time frame as it would've been.

You can go to school to do that, but if you work at a vet's office as a receptionist or assistant, they normally will hire you just because you're familiar with everything. There are some tests I would have to take to become licensed, and I would take the one that would make me a Registered Vet Tech. I just don't know what to do because I don't know which path would be best. I don't know anyone with this job! I am going to have to get a job at a vet or animal hospital soon, and I would have to keep it for a year anyway if I wanted to get into Morehead's vet tech program. So I suppose my information will all be there. I'm just afraid they won't hire me because they'll see that I'm young and think that I have no idea what my ambitions are. I guess I'm just used to being underestimated.

I'm finishing my Associate's in Science at the very least.

Who knew that it would have been so hard to find a dang sea green bathroom rug? I wanted my bathroom done in my favorite color is all. I had to settle for aquamarine, which is still pretty. At least my bathroom doesn't look like someone ate a bunch of Andy Warhol daisies and vomited all over my toiletries.

I'm really, really slacking in the weight loss department. I keep saying I'm at a plateau, but that's not even it. Because I could lose more if I wanted. My body's not refusing, I'm just getting lazy.Which really sucks because I bought a really pretty green bathing suit today and I would like to not look like a big flab monster when I wear it. I even had to make a new weight loss chart because I wasn't meeting my weekly weight loss goal and it was getting depressing to look at the fact that I was TEN pounds behind.


Also, I am just annoyed at everything but this whole "Punk Goes ____" is killing me one Boston song at a time. Those bands could not be considered punk whatsoever. I know it's going to be horrible just because Punk Goes Crunk was absolutely horrible. It's basically the same bands. Only I couldn't care less about "crunk". But I take classic rock very seriously, it is very legitimate! They are embarrassing themselves! They obviously aren't even qualified to sing classic rock, they did not even pick the best songs. You can't do a whole album dedicated to classic rock and not even do Van Halen, stupid asses. I should have taken this challenge on by myself. I probably will.


  1. I don't know, I would be rather happy if I could get a good job without going to college or really even knew what I wanted to do. I understand wanting to finish your degree since you've already been through two semesters, but it shouldn't make you feel useless. You'll be able to have a stable job much faster than most.

    Also, maybe Zumba will motivate you again. That's what I'm hoping for me because I ate horribly once again. =[

    There is tons of those punk goes whatever and almost all of the bands are pretty bad. There's 80's,90's, acoustic, pop and so on,ha. They need to stop.

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  4. Also, I'm sorry about all the deleted comments. I pushed post comment once and for some reason it posted it three times. I suck at this blog thing.

  5. I agree. But I haven't started that degree yet. I am definitely finishing my Associate's, I've already signed up for classes this next semester. I'm going for free anyway, so it would be stupid of me to not finish.

    I keep telling myself that I will "gentle eat" and everything, but I always make up excuses for myself. Either we're going out to eat, or it's a family dinner, so on and so forth. I have got to stop.

  6. Oh I was talking about your associates degree and free defintely is good.

    Awh yeah I understand. My family always gets fast food which is sometimes avoidable since I go over Codys a lot, but recently they've been getting fast food too because his dad doesn't feel like cooking. But if you do have to go out to eat, you could look up the restaurant you all are going to and find foods that aren't too horrible in calories. Also, watch for sodium because too much can bloat you and make you retain water.

  7. I don't ever salt anything, basically the only sodium I get is from diet soda. I cannot stand really salty things. But that is a good idea, I had never even thought about looking up the menu on the internet. Most of the time, though, we don't decide where to eat until we get to Somerset. :/

    ALSO ALSO. Something you might be interested in, I don't know if you've heard of this diet. well, it's not really a "diet". But I've signed up for so I can count my calories and such... and it advertised that eating a banana every morning for breakfast will make you lose weight because the starch burns fat.

  8. I would still check the sodium content on things. I don't like salt at all, so I thought I didn't eat much of it, but one 6 inch sweet onion chicken teriyaki from Subway has 1010 grams of sodium =/
    Since it's processed and preserved there's more salt in everything.

    Hah I'll look at that and banana's are delicious so that sounds good.

  9. Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap. Oh well, I pee like a beast anyhow.
