Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm finally going to Zumba today.
And I'm really excited, other than my stomach is hurting and it should stop or that will make for a bad experience.
I have watched numerous amounts of this on Youtube and I think I am probably going to be horrible at it.
I'm always really bad at mirroring what other people do.

Other than that, I think that my cat Lily may be pregnant.
She's been acting really weird lately. She grooms herself non-stop and her personality has changed.
She wants virtually nothing to do with anyone, which is normally how she is except with me.
But she is acting that way with me now and it kind of makes me upset.
I'm so jealous of her kittens, you guys! :(
She'll be so preoccupied with nursing her stupid babies that she won't have time for cuddles.

Anyway, I had a pretty good Easter. It turned out better than I thought it would because it didn't storm.
I really miss going on egg-hunts. Especially because I always got the Goose Egg at my church.
Old people think that a dollar is sooo much to little kids, but I always thought I was getting really ripped off.
Like I should come home from church with a t-shirt that said, "Jesus rose from the grave and all I got was this lousy dollar".

There is an upside to your parents still thinking that you are five years old though.
You always get candy on Easter and Halloween. :)

I'm also really mad at my cousin, for telling me that he apparently found my missing cat when it was a dang ole possum. I cried, you guys. Not joking. It really wasn't even a clever joke. He really isn't funny at all. He must be Jewish. My cats are one thing that you just do not joke about. They are very legitimate and I take them very seriously. Besides, ole boy, the possum really resembles your ex-girlfriend way more than it resembles my cats. Come to think of it, I believe I saw it making out with your best friend so it actually is a possibility that it was, in fact, your ex-girlfriend.


  1. Are you going to come to the zumba thing at the college saturday?

  2. I don't know, it really depends on what time it is... I have class on Saturday :/

  3. I have class from 9 to about 1 or 1:30 :/ I would have liked to do it though.
