Friday, May 14, 2010

First things first. I've been a pretty irritable person my entire life, but lately I've just been annoying myself. I'm annoyed with basically my entire family, I'm jealous of people that I have no desire to be. That sucks. I was doing well up until today. I think it's the weather. If it were sunny outside, I bet I would feel a lot better. I'm not the only person without a life, so I need to just get over it.

Also, Raeann, thank you for that list of fifty thing, we'll definitely try that. Josh rarely has time off of work and he may not feel the need to do this but he is normally pretty sappy so it may be something he will like.

Here are diet tips. I'll try to arrange them to make them a bit organized. They're mostly from Woman's World, and they are things that anyone can do, not some crazy cabbage soup plan.

I ate McDonald's today so I will take my vinegar and fish oil tomorrow and see if it does work or if I just think it does. =|

*Eat mustard- Turmeric (the spice that gives mustard its golden hue) reduces weight gain and slows the growth of fat tissues.

*Take vinegar (most commonly, apple cider vinegar)- When we consume extra vinegar, we produce less insulin. The acid in vinegar may alter metabolism in muscle cells and actually promote fat burning- therefore resisting weight gain. Vinegar is also a natural appetite suppressant (just 2 tablespoons of vinegar a day can make you feel 200% more satisfied). **I mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with apple juice, it still tastes pretty nasty but it's a lot worse if you just down it by itself. Plus, if you take a drink of apple juice right afterward (that doesn't have vinegar in it) the taste goes away immediately**

*Prevent insulin spikes with oatmeal- Just five servings a week will make you lose twice as much belly fat as you normally would.

*Eat walnuts- 1 ounce a day stops the hormone neuropeptide Y from forming. This boosts belly fat loss 62% in three months. Actually, three ounces of any type of nut daily will help you lose one inch around your middle a month, and it triples the odds of keeping it off permanently.

*Detox with lemon juice- Just putting a lemon slice in your tea or water can help you effortlessly shed pounds, feel energized and get rid of toxins, say researchers. Because of its unique mix of phytonutrients, lemon juice boosts metabolism and enhances the liver's ability to break down trapped fats and pollutants by an amazing 30%. 

*Seafood- Salmon, shrimp (thank God), and other fish makes you stay full two hours longer than you would otherwise. Fitting in 12 oz. of seafood weekly can help you shed nine pounds in one month. Fish's Omega-3 fats increase production of leptin, a hormone that shuts down between-meal hunger pangs. **I just take fish oil supplements... they are pretty cheap. It says "dietary supplement" on the bottle but it's nothing dangerous, a lot of doctors will have their patients take them anyway. My grandparents and parents take them for cholesterol.**   

*Coconut- Coconut oil is nature's best source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), fats that go directly to the liver, where they increase calorie-burning by up to 30%. MCFAs also curb appetite, so you'll eat less. **Study proven dose: 6 oz. coconut meat; 1.5 cups shredded coconut; 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Choose one daily. Also, coconut oil may improve thyroid function, which increases metabolism**

*Avocado- Avocado is loaded with omega-9 fats. They work inside the body cells to speed the conversion of food and fat into energy, boosting your metabolic rate as much as 5%. 

*Organic eggs- They contain up to 19 times more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than regular eggs.

**Abby, from the Biggest Loser, used a 1,200 calorie approach, but once a week, she allowed herself 2,400 calories. "It's a shock to your system that boosts your metabolism". 


Apparently, yoga is the best thing that you can do. That is boring to me but I am trying to do more of it. 
Also, this is not really "exercising" but if you fidget it is supposed to help you lose weight. "Mayo Clinic researchers found that toe-tapping, stretching, and other antsy movements burn up 350 calories per day!"

Comfort-Food Craving?

*Ask yourself, "Am I actually hungry?"
*Get a journal and write about your feelings if you are not physically hungry: you're probably emotional eating.
*Before you eat, do something mood-boosting like taking a bath, or something else you enjoy. You'll probably forget to eat.

*Make sure to think of how you'll probably feel disappointed in yourself after you eat when you aren't hungry.
**I know that's pretty lame, but it works for me...haha**


*Research shows that chewing gum helps fight cravings, relieve stress and lower cortisol levels.
*Studies also show that the scent of pink grapefruit can curb cravings in 60 seconds.


1 comment:

  1. I think I'll try out some of these, especially the vinegar and oatmeal tip. And the craving ones, I give in to cravings so easily so hopefully those help.

    Thanks for taking the time to type all those up :)
