Sunday, May 23, 2010

I have no huge responsibilities but I have so much to do.
Nothing that I actually have to do, just things that, in my mind, are really crucial.

Like learning how to do different stitches in crocheting and knitting, buying containers to put random things in so that my room can be a little bit organized, painting something for Josh's new house, crocheting four afghans for Christmas gifts, watching this dude's forty Youtube videos so that I can teach myself piano. He breaks it down so it should be pretty simple. My keyboard is definitely getting put back in my room after Spring (Summer?) cleaning. Technically, it's my uncle's keyboard. But, he let me borrow it and then made us disown him because he was being a butt. This is the one time I gained something out of someone being an asshole! SUCCESS!

I am getting really carried away with this "happy thoughts" fit I am having. I refuse to let myself get down. I started to get upset at humanity in general earlier, but you know what I did? I googled chinchillas. And all seemed right with the world.

Thanks to Swagbucks, I have $20.50 on my Amazon account. Not my money. Well, it is now. But I have bought so many things with this. I'm saving up for Just Dance right now. Anything that gives me more options for exercise is good. Because I am starting to slip. Badly. I've gained four pounds and have been eating for the heck of it. That is bad. It all started with pizza. This is why I have to stay away from pizza, it is definitely my Achille's heel. This time, though, I'm going to catch it before it gets too carried away. That's what I should have done before, instead of letting myself gain fifty pounds before I took care of it. Eh well, I'm trying.

I'm thinking about taking Matt's advice and just start making crap up so y'all will be a little interested.


  1. I do that too with anything really. Even if it's just posting something on lj, I feel like I have to hurry up and get it done. Anyways, good luck on the painting, crocheting, piano-ing and organizing.

    You can never get too carried away with being optimistic, so keep up this animal googling! And I'm sure you'll be back on track with your weight loss soon. Four pounds isn't really that bad compared to how much you've lost.

  2. You still post on LJ? I'll read them if you do. :) I didn't know you did.

    I've lost two of them again. So that is good! Plus with all of the cleaning I will be doing this week, I won't have time to stuff my face. I bought paint to paint my room seafoam green! I am so excited! Get ready for lots of pictures when I'm done. :)
