Friday, May 21, 2010

I almost let my paranoid mother get my day off to a bad start. But it won't work!
I was supposed to have plans today, but I canceled them because I thought I'd end up having to, anyway.

Josh, I think, is packing today to move into his new place. He's sharing it with a friend, but it isn't an apartment, it is an actual house that they pay rent on. He'll be close to Presidium so it will save a lot of gas. It means he's a lot farther away from me, but at least it isn't Oldham County.

I really, really hate when guys try to hit on me on Myspace. I would have thought that whole section about my boyfriend would have kept them away a little bit. Needless to say, when they ask what kind of music I'm into while of course adding "wut kind of guys r u into hon?!" onto the end... and I answer the music part and say "I'm into my boyfriend", they stop caring about what kind of music I am into. And also, you are twenty seven, you creep-ass.


Highlight of my year so far = Trevor Moore said four, count 'em... four, words to me on Facebook.
Am I pathetic? Probably. But am I happy? Yes.

My blog is way more boring than I intended it to be.

1 comment:

  1. Ah well it's good that he got a house in Somerset and didn't have to move far away. Even if it's a bit farther, at least you all will have more privacy and whatnot. :)

    Also, your not lame,ha I got all excited when I got a message from The White Stripes, but then figured out it was just a mass message :(
    so I think I'm more lame here.
