Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today was an alright day. Obviously one should not expect much fun to be had when one has to take their grandmother to the podiatrist to get their toenails clipped. I love my grandma and everything but she is only good in small doses.

Anyway. I came home, and my cat Gizmo was following me around absolutely everywhere, meowing. No big deal, I figured she was just really hungry since it was 4 and I feed my critters at 3. I fed her and she ate a lot more than usual. No big deal again, I knew she was pregnant. But she continued to follow me around and meow. Then out of nowhere, she ran about ten feet, stopped, turned around to look at me, and continued meowing. This is when I noticed she wasn't fat anymore, so I knew she had had her kittens, like...today. I decided to follow her and she led me right to them. There are two and they are orange, so obviously Joben is the father. Good ole Joben, doing the proverbial hit it and quit it. Obviously, since I haven't seen him since he came to my house to spread his seed. He smelled woman and now he is gone. I'm glad Gizzy only had two because she is very small for her age, I don't think she could have handled more. But I am going to try and get her fixed, as well as Lily when she has hers. Which, I thought she would, way before Gizzy. She is HUGE. Her stomach is so big that she has to lay on her back, which is ironic because this is what got her into the position in the first place. Flooz.

ALSO I had a revelation which has brightened my life quite a bit.
I realized that people suck and have changed for the worse (obviously not everyone, but a lot).
At first, I thought it would be a horrible thing and I would never get over it.
But I am extremely glad that they have, because if not, I might miss them a little bit.

Also also, there is something that I REALLY want to say. Like, I really really need to say it.
It could potentially be hurtful though, and I'm not a jerk for the hell of it.
It would feel really nice to say, though. I never hold back what I am thinking, this is a rarity.
And I don't even think that being the goddamn ray of sunshine that I am will keep me from it for long.


  1. When were you at the podiatrist?

  2. You should go ahead and say it. It's best to get these things out,ha. Also, kittens are goood! Take pictures whenever you get a chance and put them up.

  3. It is about illegitimate children! Do you really want me to talk about children like that, Raeann?

    I will definitely put them up. They are so wee. They don't have their eyes open yet, and also! I discovered that kittens apparently have umbilical cords. Something I did not know.

    Lily had hers today :D They are in my barn somewhere but she won't show me like Gizmo did. Lily has got to have a ton of them, she was HUGE. Gizmo had three, but one died :( I discovered the dead one yesterday.

  4. Oh, Jaclyn, I thought that said "why", not "when". I was there Tuesday.

  5. Hah as long as it isn't about the children themselves, you can talk about the parents all you want.

    They do. You should watch them being birthed sometime, it's gross but at the same time neat to hear their first meow. Awh that's a ton of kittens. The cat that hangs outside of our house is pregnant and I'm hoping she has those kittens around here.

  6. Oh okay. I was just curious cause I'm guessing you went where I work.

  7. You're right Raeann! I hadn't even thought about that.

    Jaclyn, yeah, I went where you work, even though I can't remember the name of it. Haha, I saw you actually. But you were turned around and I didn't want to be like "HEY, PSST!" while you were at work, just in case you got fired for having unprofessional people holler at you.

  8. Haha, you probably would have freaked me out if you yelled at me. I just hate knowing someone I knew was there and not being aware of it, cause it doesn't happen much.

  9. Next time she has an appointment, I'll let you know, haha. But I think it is in August. I know what you mean, though, I never see anyone I know either.
