Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So, I was watching American Idol like I do every year. There's one contestant who always seemed sort of... familiar to me. Until my parents mentioned it I had no idea why. His face looks exactly like my boyfriend's face.

I can't even get over it. I just keep looking at his face and being really weirded out.

Anyway, as we have established by now, I really like making lists. So I made this list of one hundred things I want to do before I die.

1. Celebrate my one hundredth birthday.

2. Participate in something that greatly benefits animal welfare (besides donating).

3. Visit every state in the U.S. at least once, Canada, Mexico, as well as at least one country on every other continent (except Antarctica... but maybe...).

4. Swim with dolphins.

5. Take a safari in Africa.

6. Go to Australia and hold a koala bear.

7. Get every pet I've ever wanted.

8. Ride a roller coaster.

9. Own my dream home.

10. Become a mother.

11. Get every tattoo I want.

12. Get every piercing I want.

13. Become a veterinary technician.

14. Lose fifty pounds.

15. Read every book in a library.

16. Find a doctor that can help my grandpa see again.

17. Own a weeping willow tree.

18. Teach myself piano.

19. Sing in front of an audience.

20. Be on as many game shows as possible.

21. Get a video on America's Funniest Home Videos.

22. Follow a band on their entire tour (preferably Van Halen).

23. Attend a film festival.

24. Move. Out. Of. Jabez.

25. Meet all members of the Whitest Kids U Know.

26. Get married outdoors.

27. Gain a friend for life.

28. Paint something that someone will buy.

29. Teach someone something that they can use for the rest of their life.

30. Try out for American Idol. It's all in fun, I won't be upset if I don't make it. :)

31. Learn to cook.

32. This will not be listed but I will let you know when it is accomplished...hah.

33. Be published a third time.

34. Get through college without debt.

35. Play a role in a Judd Appatow film, even if it is tiny.

36. Track down my entire family history from all sides.

37. Live to see the cure for cancer.

38. Go on a roadtrip with no particular destination.

39. Go to as many amusement parks as possible.

40. Sleep outside on a trampoline.

41. Go to the beach.

42. Draw out a tattoo that someone will get. What sucks is that I've almost accomplished this. Twice.

43. Paint a mural.

44. Go to stand-up shows of all of my favorite comedians.

45. Help someone else fulfill a goal (please lemme know!)

46. Pick up at least twenty new hobbies.

47. Do stand-up comedy at least once!

48. Upload a video on Youtube.

49. Get one million hits on that video.

50. Spend all day playing Dominoes with my grandma.

51. Take my parents on a trip to Hawaii.

52. Beat every Guitar Hero game on expert with all instruments.

53. Do as many charity walks as possible.

54. Have tofurkey for Thanksgiving.

55. Meet Ruby Gettinger and tell her how much she inspires me.

56. Write a journal entry every day for the rest of my life.

57. I want my child(ren) to be able to meet all of my grandparents.

58. Go out in public with no makeup.

59. Conquer my fear of spiders.

60. Hide in my closet, record a video, and send it to Bin Laden. See how he likes that mess.

60. (I'm redoing 60, since I wouldn't know where to send the video. We are not quite as good at Hide and Seek as he is). I want to inspire someone.

61. Spend a day with terminally ill patients in a hospital.

62. Volunteer at a nursing home and listen to all of their stories, even if they smell like moth balls and have no idea what they're talking about. I love old people!

63. Break a record.

64. Go a month without saying a mean thing about anyone. I've already tried this. It didn't work. But we'll see.

65. I also can't say what #65 is, but I will let you know when mission #65 is complete!

66. Buy Christmas gifts for a child who otherwise wouldn't receive any.

67. Adopt a pet who has been abused or neglected and show it that it is not worthless.

68. Be in the audience of a TV show.

69. 69. Just kidding. Meet someone who tends to think everyone from Kentucky is stupid and play Jeopardy with them.

70. Meet the doctor who told my mom that I would be full of birth defects and that she should abort me. Possibly slap him, depending on whether or not I meet him during the month that I am trying to be nice to everyone.

71. Go to every restaurant Guy Fieri has been to on Diiners, Drive-ins and Dives.

72. Start a garden and eat nothing but things I grow for at least a month.

73. Go a year without fast food.

74. Reach my 50th wedding anniversary.

75. Help do something about the pollution in the ocean.

76. Cut out diet soda for a month (we'll try for longer, but I am really diet soda dependent).

77. Get a secret on PostSecret.

78. Do something that lands me on a talk show. Not on Jerry Springer, Maury, and preferably not Steve Wilkos.

79. Make everyone I meet from here on out smile.

80. Meet Betty White and get her to tell me a St. Olaf story as Rose Nyland.

81. Go to all of my high school reunions.

82. Help plan a wedding that isn't my own.

83. Ride a horse.

84. Sleep in one of those canopy beds on the beach.

85. Start an Etsy and sell at least three things.

86. Play Chubby Bunny with a group of people.

87. Wear every eye shadow that I own at least once in public (even the neon colors).

88. See a ghost.

89. Drive a Hummer.

90. Do something I am good at (maybe crocheting), sell them, and donate the proceeds to charity.

91. Get a caricature of myself drawn.

92. Go a day without watching television. It probably doesn't seem like a huge deal to anyone else, but I cannot stand to be in a room with a television that is not turned on.

93. Change someone's life for the better.

94. Get on the Dean's List. I missed it this semester by like .4 GPA points. Craaaaaap.

95. Ride a camel.

96. Play with a baby orangutan.

97. Participate in Lent, even though I am not Catholic. Maybe I'll give up diet soda. Kill two birds with one stone.

98. Be completely happy with myself.

99. Have an amazing tree house!

100. Complete this list.


  1. Hah I've never watched American Idol, so I have no idea who that is, but he does look like Josh.

    Also your top 100 list is good, I think I'm going to post one and that other list eventually. Hope you can finish all of those!

  2. His name is Lee Dewyze and he is superdreamy. :)
