Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lily had her kittens today. I am really excited about seeing them, because I know there are a ton.

For the past couple of mornings, I have been eating oatmeal, taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a Fish Oil supplement...and, of course, exercising. It seems to be working, as I've lost almost two pounds.

I've been going through some old magazines my grandma gave me and I've collected a bunch of random little weight loss tips. If anyone is interested, I'll post them.

I also made a list to try and help with my self-esteem and it actually did. Sitting down and making a list forced me to think positively, so it gave me a boost.

I entitle it:

Good Things About Me

My looks
*I have good hair
* I can do makeup well
*When I wear makeup, I have a pretty face
*I'm "well-endowed"
*I have cute feet
*I have cute ears
*My nose isn't weird
*My eyebrows don't have to be plucked/tweezed/waxed/etc.
*I have naturally blonde hair so if I forget to shave my legs, it's not a big deal.
*I'm hygienic (today doesn't count).
*I have dimples.
*Braces made my teeth nice.
*I like my sense of style.
*I have a nice... derriere. 
*My face makes my Native American heritage evident.

My personality

*People tend to want to be my friend.
*I am reliable and I know that is rare.
*I am easy to get along with.
*I crack myself up. Either I am easily amused or I am decently funny.
*I am smart, but not weird about it (like those really weird kids on Jeopardy who you feel bad for because you know they can't have friends).
*I am quick-witted.
*I am unique- I have never met another person like me, and I don't try to be like anyone else (granted, everyone says that).
*I stand up for what I believe in.
*I have never done anything I didn't want to.
*I know what I want and (usually) know how to make it happen.
*I am physically active (is that a personality trait?)
*If I care about you, I will do just about anything I can for you.
*I am trustworthy. Unless you're being dumb.
*The dumbest things happen to me so I always have really good stories.
*My overall personality must be pretty good, because boys tend to like me and I know it is not because of my slim figure.
*I can admit when I'm wrong but only when I am wrong, not when you think I am wrong.
*I have "good quirks".
*I am a compassionate person and I wish I could save the world.
*I have goals.
*I am polite.
*I don't care enough about what people think to let it stop me from having fun.
*I'm competitive (but in a good way).

My talents

*I am pretty good at drawing.
*I am good at painting.
*I have a knack for decorating/arranging (until I actually have to do it).
*I sing well.
*I can pick things up quickly.
*I am good at crocheting, and other little hobbies.
*I'm good with words. I can write a five-pager in an hour, tops.
*I don't know if it's a "talent", but animals tend to be attracted to me.
*I'm good at tetherball and badminton!
*Babies like me for some reason. A lot. I sort of wish they didn't, because they look at me and smile at me in Wal-Mart and Kroger and it's just a little odd after a while.
*I'm good at just about every game I play.

My relationships

*My boyfriend is amazing and I am finally the only one that he wants (so apparently I am doing something correctly).
*All of my grandparents are alive and I have great relationships with all of them.
*My dad is one of my best friends. And he's not a drunken deadbeat! That is rare around these parts! Good on ya, Dad!
*I may not have a lot of friends now but with all of the amazing memories I have, I know it isn't because of me.

I hope this doesn't come off as conceited. I wrote it for myself first. I just hope it inspires someone to do something like this, because it really does help to look at it if you are having a day that's not so good. Plus, I really like reading things like this that people make about themselves. So you should do one also!


  1. I would enjoy seeing these diet tips. Lately, I'll lose about four pounds, then gain some of it back and then lose it again. At the moment I'm at the losing part of this, so maybe I can change something up and keep losing.

    And I'm glad the list helped and it doesn't sound conceited. I might do one here soon.

  2. Also, I don't know if this is too corny or something, but it helped make me happier. You could get Josh to write 50 things he likes about you and you write 50 things you like about him. I did that with Cody and printed out what he wrote and I keep it in my binder :)

  3. Awe that is adorable! We should do that :) Thank you for that, and I'll post the diet tips.
